
четверг, 5 января 2017 г.

Spotlight-11 Test №1

TEST 1.( module 1)

Task 1. Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences below.


1. cultural                    a.   behavior 
 2. maternal                  b.  moment 
 3. birth                         c.  look  
 4. nuclear                    d. traditions
 5. poor                         e.  marriage
 6. dull                             f . grandmother
 7. arranged                    g.  rates 
 8. inside                        h.  family



1   Evan is part of a..................................... as he lives with just his parents.

2   Events like weddings, birthdays and New Year's celebrations help keep    alive.

3   Sadly, Helen's............................................ passed away last year.

4   Across Europe, .................. are falling. As a result, European populations are beginning to decrease.


Task 2. Choose the correct word.

        1. Amir lives with uncles, aunties and other   members of his…         family.

a   extended         b   immediate

2.  ........ is important for the Chang family, who are respected members of the community.

a   Honour            b   Support

3.  Jeff is high up in the management......

a   authority          b   hierarchy

4.  The town has a low crime rate since most of its citizens respect and…    the law.

a   comply             b   obey


Task 3. Fill in: foster, stroll, engaged, widow, reputation,  priority, divorced, in-laws.

1   The people of the island have a............. for being kind and polite.

2   We are going to spend the summer holiday with my        

3   Young Jeremy was placed in a.............. home.

4   The recently................. couple are planning a summer wedding.


Task 4. Use the correct tense.

1    This jacket belongs/is belonging to Catherine.

2    I am knowing/have known Edward since he was a child.

3    Steven reads/is reading a few pages of his book before bedtime every night.

4    I'm not visiting/haven't visited my grandparents this week, so I'll visit them next week.

5    The basketball game starts/has started at 7:00 pm.

6    Nancy  cleans/is cleaning her bedroom right now.


Task 5. Choose the correct item А, В, С or D.

1   I'm going on holiday to Majorca. This time
next week, I... in the sun.

A  will be lying       С   will lie

В   am lying            D   will have been lying

2   Mind the low ceiling! You     your head!

A   are hitting         С   are going to hit

В   will hit              D   will be hitting

3   I'm sure Jim.... the job.

A   is going to get      С   gets
В   is getting           D   will get



Task 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

1   Where................... (be) you? I..................... (try) to get in touch with you all day yesterday.

2   By the time Jenny.......................... (get) to the theatre, the play …       (already/start).

3   Frank ....................... (drive) to work when, all of a sudden, a tree branch...(come) crashing down on the road.

4   Before his accident, Peter...................... (ski) for 5 years.



Task 7. Complete the sentences with the following prepositions:

about      to      of     for

1   Margaret feels very close........ her sister-in-law.

2   Aren't you ashamed....... treating her that way?

3   Frank has a great deal of respect .......  his teachers.

4   William is very attached .......  his friends at school.

5   Couples often argue.... money.


Task 8.  Complete the groups of sentences with words from the lists.

   plucking ashamed  unselfishness

   spoil  • envious  • in return  • sternly

   drowsy temptation  bothered  finer

   devoted scarlet on credit

1    Tina is on a strict diet and must resist all ….          ; no crisps or chocolate.

2    I'm impressed by Dominic's .................. ; he always puts other people before himself.

3   I shouldn't have shouted at you. I'm .....  of my actions.

4    She fell over in front of everyone and turned…. with embarrassment.

5    He  wears  designer  clothes  and  drives  an expensive car. He obviously prefers the     things in life.

6   Cecilia is such a ................... mother. She will do anything for her children.

7    Robert's just woken up from surgery and is feeling  a little…..     .         


Task 9. Fill in: bring up, preserve, speak, filter, waste, take part, remove, experience in the correct form.

1   It's a sad fact that many ethnic minority group…            terrible racism in the 1960s.

2   The men came to ...................... the litter from the park.

3   Leah..................... all her time watching TV when she could be out with her friends.

4   I was ....................... in Canada but I moved to the UK last year.

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