
четверг, 5 января 2017 г.

Spotlight-10 Test №1

Vocabulary & Grammar
A  Choose the correct answer A, В or C. (5p)
1  I think Paul is………………………………….. of me because I have a new bike.
A jealous          В   dishonest                    С      mean
2  Marta is ................  but sometimes she makes things more difficult instead of easier.
A patient          В   well-meaning               С caring
 3  Kate is a very kind and ..................  girl; she believes whatever people tell her.
A loyal             В   trusting                          С   supportive
4   Ian is quite…………………………… ; one minute he’s all happy, the next he’s upset.
A selfish           В    moody                           С aggressive
5     I love this artist’s   paintings; he’s very.........
A respectful     Вcomfortable                      С creative
B Underline the correct word.(6p)
1  James and I get along very well although we don’t always see eye to eye/ear.
2  I can’t stand Michael. He’s a pain in the back/neck.
3  Get off my back/shoulder and stop teasing me! I’m really not in the mood!
4  She’s so annoying! She always gets on my neck/nerves!
5  No one likes our new classmate and everybody gives him the cold eye/shoulder when he comes in.
6  I’ve never seen Luke in such a bad mood; he’s like a bear with a sore back/head.
C Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold. (10p)
      1  My family is always very ………………………………………..of my decisions. SUPPORT
2         She’s a very…………………………………….. person; no wonder she’s a babysitter. CARE
3         He’s a well-………………………...           man in the community. RESPECT
4        This actor is very……………………… England. FAME
5            My car is very……………….       I don’t spend much money on petrol. ECONOMY
6           School uniforms don’t help young people develop a sense of……………         INDIVIDUAL
7         I really love this shop as the prices are quite ……………….         AFFORD
      8   Valentin Yudashkin is probably Russia’s most famous fashion……………..         DESIGN
      9   My best friend Carmel is the most helpful person I know. She’s an………....   to me. INSPIRE
      10  Owning up to breaking the window was the …………………thing to do.                    HONOUR
D Fill in  Dependent prepositions (16p)
1         His parents are not keen …………. him going on holiday on his own.
2        My best friend is not very good ………. horse riding.       
3         Sean is very careless………. his       things. He keeps losing them.
4        My grandmother is very creative and is enthusiastic……………   surfing the Net.
5        My brother loves eating,  but he’s hopeless………….. cooking.
6        People from the countryside hate it when people from cities look………  ……them.
7         I’m really looking…………. watching my favourite comedy on TV this evening.
8         When paragliding, you have to look ……   ……..  strong  winds.
9         Sorry, but I can’t go to the cinema with you tonight as I have to look ……… younger brother.
10    If you need her number I can look it……….. for you in the tel. directory.           
11    Her classmates made fun …......her because she was unable to answer the question.
12     My sister applied for a job she wasn’t really qualified……… but managed to get it in the end.
13     I’m not bothered…………where we go. I just want a holiday.
14     Jane is a quiet, shy girl and doesn’t stand………   in a crowd.
15     My mum’s gone off to pick……. some bargains in a shop that is closing down.
16     Jack is so much better than me at computer games. I find it hard to keep….. with him.
E  The Present Simple or The Present Continuous (17p)
1.      I ( to think) about his offer.
2.      Luciano (to be) naughty ( character)
3.      The shoes (to fit) me perfectly.
4.      Your perfume (to smell) of apples.
5.      Ann (to feel) the cat’s fur.
6.      The driver (to sound) his horn now to prevent the accident.
7.      The box is very heavy. It (to weigh) a lot.
8.      He (to weigh) the tomatoes on the scales.
9.      Suzy (to be) very naughty today.
10.  He (to think) he is really clever.
11.   We (to fit) a new carpet in the hall.
12.   They still (to have) hot debates.
13.  It (to look) as if it’s going to rain.
14.   She (to smell) the roses that she grows now.
15.  This silk shirt (to feel) soft.
16.   Beethoven’s music (to sound) monumental.
17.  I (to see) what you mean.
F  Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, present continuous, present perfect or present perfect continuous. (16p)
1 A: What …………………. (you/do) this weekend?
   B: Nothing special. I……………….         (usually/visit) my grandparents at the weekends but they ………….(leave) for London on Friday.
2  A: ………………………... (you/have) lunch yet?
    B: Not yet. I ……………………………………. (work) in the garden for the past five hours.
3 A: …………………………...        (you/like) bungee jumping?
   B: You know, I ……………………(never/try) it but I ………………. (think)  of trying it this weekend.
 4 A: I……………….            (go) to the gym every  day for two months and I …………. (not/lose) any weight yet.
    В: I ……………….           (exercise)        every   day too but I ………………..           (also/be) on a diet.
5  A: How long  ……………………….…   (Jane and Kate/be) friends?
    B: They …………………(know) each other for ten years and they ………………….….(share) a flat for the last four years.
6  A: Where are the Smiths?
    B: They ……………………….    (go) to Paris for the weekend

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