
четверг, 5 января 2017 г.

Spotlight-10 Test №3 (2 варианта)

Module 3 (Spotlight 10)
V -I
A    Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B.

Column A                                      Column B
1 attend                                      A job
2 strict                                        B school
3 boarding                                 C uniform
4 full-time                                  D classes
5 old-fashioned                          E rules
B    Fill in the correct word.
·  exams  ·  forces  · transport ·  single-sex·  skills
6 The public ……… in this city is horrible.
7  James has got enough ……. to work as a mechanic.
8 My daughter goes to a ……… school .
9  “When are you sitting  ……?” “Next Friday!”
10 Peter dreams of a career in the armed ……… .
C    Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
11  I start my new …….  tomorrow!
A   profession      B  work           C  job
12   Do you have any ……. as a beautician?
A   experience     B  work           C  interests
13 Doctor’s and teacher’s ……  are not well-paid.
A   salaries         B  money          C  wages
14 Paul wants to apply for  the ….. of a flight attendant.
A   job                B  position        C  place
15 After leaving school Jack is going to …..  into Cambridge University.
A   take              B  get                 C  learn
D    Choose the correct preposition.
16 Leave him alone; stop picking on/ at him.
17 At the moment I’m in / at charge of a team of ten people.
18 Don’t you worry; I’ll deal  about/ with this.
19 Laura is picking  on/ at her food; I guess she’s not hungry.
20 I’ve been working at/ in this office more than 10 years.
21 I’ll pick you out/ up from the  station at 9.
F     Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct future form: future simple, future continuous, future perfect,  present continuous or be going to.
21 I don’t think John …… (pass) his French exam; he hasn’t studied enough.
22 This time next week I …… (shop) in Milan.
23 By the end of the month I …… (finish) this project.
24 “When ……  (you/ fly) to London?” “Tomorrow morning.”
25 What …… (you/ buy) Fiona for her birthday?
26 Helen and I ……(go) to the cinema. Would you like to join us?
27 I’m cold. I  ……(close) the window..
28 Clark ……(drive) his new car tomorrow at 12 o’clock.
G Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.
29 They don’t have a  …… ; they do all the landscaping themselves. GARDEN
30 He usually hires a …… when he does business in China. TRANSLATE
31 The …… was busy tidying the returned books. LIBRARY
32 The drum …… received thunderous applause. SOLO
H    Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
33  Tennis is a ………  sport than Rugby.
A  difficult        B  more difficult    C  the most difficult
34  This is ……… hotel I've ever stayed in.
A   expensive    B  more expensive  C  the most expensive
35   She is probably ……… person I know.
A   bad              B  worse                  C  the worst
36   He's ………  football player in the team.
A   good            B  better                  C  the best
37   Could you open the window, please? It's getting ………. hotter in this room by the minute.
A  hot                B  hotter                 C  the hottest
I    What would you like to be? Write about your future profession. Include : why you would like the job; why you think you would be good at it; how many hours are required; what qualifications/ qualities are needed.( 5 -10 sentences)
I’d like to be a/an …
Module 3 (Spotlight 10)
A    Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B
Column A                                      Column B
1 armed                                       A transport
2 flight                                         B school
3 public                                       C attendant
4 co-educational                          D classes
5 extra-curricular                         E forces
B    Fill in the correct word.
· uniform  ·  profession · specialist  ·  fail · course   

6  If  you don’t study hard, you’ll ……  your Philosophy exam.

7  I hate my school  ………  but I have to wear it.

8  Paula wants to pursue a career in the medical ……… .

9  Sandy really likes cooking, she wants to enroll on  a cookery  ….. .

10 If  you want to study Art you should go to a ………  school.


C    Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

11  The ……. in this company is highly-qualified.

A   job              B  people           C  staff

12   When his father retires, Harry will ……. the business.

A   take             B  run                C  work

13 Paul and I are going to …….  an extra-curricular activity.

A   participate   B  attend           C  visit

14 He shouldn’t try so hard to be different; we’re all in the same …….

A   boat             B  train              C  plane

15 Henry can go to a ……. school because his father is a rich person.

A   private         B  single-sex     C  co-educational             


D    Choose the correct preposition.


16 At what time can I pick you out/ up?

17 Tim is responsible  for/ to booking the concert tickets.

18 We ordered delicious dishes in a restaurant, but Liz was picking on/ at her food.

19 Mike is new to our class, that’s why everyone is always picking him on/ at.

20 Excuse me! Can you help me pick out/ in a tie(галстук) matches my shirt?

21 Mr Barnes has been working in/ for McKinsey Company for 17 years.


F     Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct future form: future simple, future continuous, future perfect,  present continuous or be going to.


21  I’m very hungry. I  ……(make) myself something to eat.

22  I ……  (send) you an SMS before I leave work, OK?

23  This time next year Faye …… (study) in Dublin.

24   By the end of this year Susan …… (live) in the USA for 3 years.

25   The kids ……(go) to bed by 10 o’clock.

26   I have a lot of work today; I  ……. (come) home late tonight.

27   We ……(have) dinner with my parents at the weekend.

28   That’s terrible news! What …… (you/ do)


G Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.


29   Kate is now the new managing …… of the company. DIRECT

30   The famous …… Pablo Picasso was born on 25 October 1881 in Spain. ART

31   How many …… are there in a football team? PLAY

32   Do you know that new rock band is looking for ……? MUSIC


H    Choose the correct answer A, B or C.


33  This picture of you is  ……… than that one .

A  clear     B  clearer    C  the clearest

34  Daniel is  ……… student in class.

A   good      B  better   C  the best

35   Having no friends is  ………  thing that could happen to me.

A   bad   B  worse   C  the worst

36   For me a weekend at the beach is ……… than a weekend in the mountains.

A   relaxing     B  more relaxing   C  the most relaxing

37   You look  ……… in the red dress than you do in the black one.

A  beautiful   B  more beautiful   C  the most beautiful


I    What would you like to be? Write about your future profession. Include : why you would like the job; why you think you would be good at it; how many hours are required; what qualifications/ qualities are needed.( 5 -10 sentences)


I’d like to be a/an …

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