
четверг, 5 января 2017 г.

Spotlight-10 Диагностическая работа

Диагностическая контрольная работа. 10 класс
1. What job would you apply for if you...
1.      wanted to work in the food industry?
2.      were a science student?
3.      wanted to live abroad?
4.      were interested in health & fitness?
5.      thought you could manage people?
A D & A International seeks engineering graduates with five or more years' experience who are interested in employment opportunities around the world. You must be prepared to work on any of our technical projects and have excellent written and spoken English and Spanish. Send CVs to:
В Assistants wanted for campus pharmacy at Cheshington University three evenings a week. Candidates must be well-mannered and comfortable working with a wide variety of customers. They should also have a basic knowledge of chemistry. Contact:

C Muscles is the latest of our city training centres. We are seeking a full-time attendant for our weights room. Experience of bodybuilding and fitness issues would be an advantage although full training will be provided. A friendly, dynamic personality and a willingness to assist is essential. Call Gino on: 240-677-3215

D Welsh and Sons have a vacancy for a business graduate to train as an account manager. The position is demanding. You will be in contact with top company professionals and so will also need to be confident and able to attract potential customers in the UK and France. Excellent working environment. Competitive salary. Fax CVs to: 713-432-7896

E Eduread Publishing provides educational books and CDs to over 3,000 schools around the world. Due to our recent success in entering the Chinese market, we now need to employ more staff. A minimum of three years' experience in business and teaching is required, as well as good organisation skills and leadership qualities. You will need to travel to China occasionally. Contact Mr Flower at:

F Luigi's needs Saturday staff. Candidates will have a clean, pleasant appearance and be able to work quickly and efficiently under pressure. Previous experience with handling orders is desirable. We also seek four temporary staff for our delivery service during July and August. Candidates must have a clean driving licence. Call: 341-145-5911

Present tenses
Hi! How are you? I(1 not hear)from you for a while. I (2 guess) you (3 study) for your exams for the last few weeks like me. I (4 sit) most of them. I (5 sit) the last one this Friday. I (6 think) that I have done quite well. My friends and I (7 throw) a big party to celebrate this weekend. We (8 already hire) the village hall. Have (9 you make) any plans for Saturday night yet? If not why don't you come? It (10 start) at 8 pm and you can stay at my house. Paula and Eve (11 stay) too so it'll be fun. Let me know. Write back soon.
3. Future tenses
1.      I’m sure John(become) a great scientist one day
2.      Imagine. This time tomorrow I (sit) by the pool enjoying a coffee
3.      The Smiths( move) house soon
4.      (help) me with my homework, please?
5.      I’m so tired. I (take) a break.
6.      She (write) her essay by 5 oclock.
7.      –Have yoy done your homework yet?- No, I (do) it now.
8.      –Why are you taking the car keys? – I (drive) Pete to the gym.
9.      Ted (leave) by the time we get there.
10.  There are black clouds in the sky. It looks like it (rain)
4. Past tenses
1 Lynne was singing/had sung as she was cleaning the windows.
2 Mr Todd was teaching/had been teaching for thirty years when he retired.
3 I phoned Jack because I wanted/had wanted to ask him a question.
4 They had walked/had been walking for hours when they stopped for a rest.
5 The shop had been selling/had sold the table by the time I got there.
6 Joe was happy. He was winning/had won first prize in the competition.
7 It was raining/had rained while they were playing the football match.
8 Rob was opening/opened the box and looked inside.
9 They were already buying/had already bought the tickets when they went to the concert.
10 Elvis Presley sang/had sung lots of hit songs.

5. Match the words:

1.      Recipe     
2.      Grilled
3.      Regular
4.      Well-balanced
5.      Crash
6.      Grated
7.      Artificial
8.      sugary
a.       exercise                                             
b.      additives
c.       book
d.      diet
e.       drinks
f.       fish
g.      meals
h.      cheese


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